Win Kshs. 50,000 by end month! Post a meme, a video, picture – anything creative that explains what Universal Health Coverage is to you. Promote it among your followers and make sure…

Win Kshs. 50,000 by end month! Post a meme, a video, picture – anything creative that explains what Universal Health Coverage is to you. Promote it among your followers and make sure…
We probably cannot remember the first time we wrote something – either in the dirt with a stick or a pencil on paper. Either way, we all write in one form or…
While communicating, it is important that an organisation is careful not to do the following: a. Overcommunicate, or what is called information overload. b. Redundancy or repetition. Unfortunately, many organisations are not…
“Strategy without tactics is the slowest route to victory and that tactics without strategy is the noise before defeat,” Sun Tzu. In the highly competitive world that we live in, strategies and…
“Change, however slight, is necessary for survival. It is called adaptation. In our day to day lives, we rebrand in small, subtle ways and other times in big, significant ways. The female…